Anders Fisher's menagerie

Anders Fisher’s menagerie.

Things made and hosted on github and heroku.


  • Anders Fisher

    My personal website designed to advertise me as a freelance/contract developer.


    A collection of handy hints and tips on front end development.


    The website of the front end developer group I run, fesuffolk built on rails to be fully responsive.

  • Victoria Guthrie

    The homepage of my girlfriend Victoria Guthrie, we worked as a team to come up with a unique style for her crafty writings.

  • CS Clinic

    The home page of a project that will hopefully be resurrected, a clinic to teach developers coffeescript.



  • Codeschool report

    A simple HTML and js app that reads your report from codeschool's api.

  • Gravity

    A physics and canvas experiment simulating gravity.

  • PixelMate

    A bootstrap application to create pixel art using canvas and javascript.

  • Directions

    A simple connector to googles directions api, written to be easily inserted into websites.

  • Regex Tester

    In an attempt to help understanding of regexes in js I created this tester web app.

  • Multi Touch

    Using the js touch api i created a simple canvas experiment showing the points of multitouch and how they might be used for something pretty.

  • Pub Sub

    Public submarine is a flight of fancy as publish subscribe library written to be stand alone. pubsub is an attempt to advertise this.

  • A2

    A canvas experiment gone mad. This project provides the user with randomly generated art in a variety of sizes.

  • Font

    A font created using markup and CSS.

  • File Upload

    A simple css change to the file upload input element, to allow for more freedom in UI choices.